Shopping Local

Hey Gee-Gees! Most of you all know what it means to shop local, eat local and support local businesses. I am here to provide you with a few more resources and insights on what shopping locally could look like this summer for you and your friends!

Ottawa is home to many noteworthy, small, locally owned businesses. The pandemic has brought many unexpected challenges for many of these locally owned businesses, forcing a handful to close doors. A few months ago in my community, an awesome plant-based restaurant was forced to close down due to financial hardships related to COVID-19. More than ever, it is important to get out and support these locally owned businesses.

Where can I find local shops, restaurants and more?

I’ve got you covered. The local business directory provides excellent resources to help users discover merchants in the Ottawa region. By clicking onto the “Buy Local” page, you will find everything you need from local eats in Ottawa to locally produced food and beverages in the Ottawa region.

A few other ways to support local businesses in your region would be to leave Google reviews or buying gift cards to share with family and friends.

What are some of your favourite locally owned businesses?

~ Allegra, Summer Peer Wellness Educator ~