Wellness is a key and integral part of our lives, yet the way we interpret it can depend on the individual. According to Oxford Dictionaries, wellness can be defined as “the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.” However, there are many different types of wellness, including but not limited to: mental wellness, physical wellness, and spiritual wellness. There are many different ways to promote wellness in your daily life, as wellness can mean different things for different people.
What wellness means to me
For me, wellness means taking the initiative to do things that will better your mental, physical, and emotional health. These things can include taking a walk when I am stressed, doing yoga, or reading a book. I believe that wellness is focused more so on preventing illness, rather than waiting to become ill. I try to promote wellness by having a balanced lifestyle, since we all know juggling school and social activities can be difficult sometimes. I believe it is very important to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night, as well as exercise at least 3 times a week, and maintain a healthy diet. It can be very difficult sometimes when you are overwhelmed with stress, but these small changes to my daily routine make a huge difference in my overall health.
How wellness means different things to individuals
For each person, their definition of wellness will be different because everyone treats their body differently and has different priorities in terms of health. Some will emphasize their physical health, while others prioritize their mental health. Everyone has different boundaries and mechanisms to deal with stress, anxiety, pressure, etc. By learning the signs of your mind/body and listening to its needs, you can find ways to help it stay well and know the signs of when something is pushing you out of that range. It takes time, but it’ll come naturally. Take notes of the good things you do to take care of yourself, as well as notes of the things that make you feel not so hot.
How to improve mental health and wellness
There are many ways to improve your own mental health and well-being. These may depend on what you want to concentrate on. Here are some general ideas on how to improve overall well-being:
- Get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep a day
- For at least an hour keep your body moving by exercising or walking
- Call a friend or family member to catch up or meet up safely
- To keep your mind off school or work, by trying a new activity such as drawing or cooking
At the end of the day you want to feel:
- A sense of meaning and purpose
- A balance between school, work, and pleasure
- Building and maintaining meaningful relationships
- Self-confidence
Remember that having good mental health doesn’t mean that you won’t have bad days or emotional problems. We all go through disappointment, loss, and change. These things cause stress, anxiety, and sadness. However, we want to be able to bounce back from those negative experiences and be able to cope with them.