Physical activity and mental health

Regular exercise can provide many positive benefits, especially when it comes to depression, anxiety, and ADHD. It also has the ability to relieve stress, improve your memory, help you sleep, and improve your mood! Modest amounts of exercise can make a real difference; no matter your age or fitness experience. Keep reading to see just how powerful adding exercise to your routine is in terms of handling your mental health and improving your energy.
- Jake, 3rd year, Health sciences

One of the things I enjoy most about being physically active is that it’s a VERY good excuse to procrastinate. Yes, I have 150 pages to read every week, but you can bet your life that I’m still getting my sweat sesh in. Feeling stressed and slightly angry at everything and everyone? Follow along to a kick-boxing YouTube video to punch out all that negative energy! Do you want to cry because you just had a brutal exam? Go sweat out your tears with HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). Now that I am done with my emotional rant, let’s talk about the scientific-based reasons to work out! 
- Abbigail, 3rd year, International Studies and Modern Languages

Did you know that exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment? When you go through a stressful period, exercising can help release tension by boosting physical and mental energy through the release of endorphins. The more you’re able to focus on your exercise, the bigger the benefit! Also, by incorporating mindfulness in your practice such as noticing the sensation on your feet hitting the ground or the feeling of wind on your skin, you’ll be able to interrupt the worrying thoughts that might otherwise be running through your head! 
- Tina, 4th year, Political science and communication

One of the main reasons why I enjoy being physically active is because of how I feel after my exercise. Sometimes, it is difficult to get up and move if you’re feeling down or unmotivated. But, it is a fact that physical activity can improve your mood! Did you know that regular exercise increases your self-confidence, lowers depressive and anxiety symptoms, and helps you sleep? I know for me, after a day of physical activity, my head hits the pillow pretty fast when it is time for bed.
- Emilie, 2and year, Human kinetics

Regular exercise can help more than just your physique. You’re growing from the inside out. Think of it this way, if cardiovascular activity improves your heart health, the heart being one of our most vital organs, why wouldn’t exercise improve one of our other vital organs, like the brain? It’s true. Physical activity is as good for our mental and emotional health, as it is for our physical health! Regular exercise can help one gain more confidence by meeting certain goals or gradually getting in more fit. It can also give you the opportunity to socialize more, whether this is at a gym, fitness class, or with friends during a workout. Exercise is also a healthy coping mechanism for many dealing with depression and anxiety. - Shaliz, 2and year, Health sciences

All in all, exercise is great for you! Surely you’ve heard this before but it doesn’t hurt to hear it again! This pandemic has been going on for almost a year now and we’ve got to stay strong! One way to help your mental health, physical health, and your overall well-being is to do regular physical activity! It’ll definitely help diversify your day! Since spring is coming up, why not go for a walk and feel the milder weather? Just a suggestion! Don’t be afraid to try new things, especially when it comes to physical activity!! 
- Xavier, 3rd year, Human kinetics