Become a Health Ambassador at uOttawa!

You’ve probably seen people on campus wearing red t-shirts promoting healthy lifestyles. You’ve probably even attended free campus events such as yoga, meditation, Happy Hour, Pet Therapy, or Wellness Café. These events are organized by those wearing the red t-shirts - the University of Ottawa Health Promotion team, comprised of 60 students from every faculty! Health Promotion is currently recruiting peer educators (PE) until February 28, 2019. This is your chance to be part of an enthusiastic team and make plenty of new friends, all the while positively impacting the student population.

Health Promo volunteers are representatives of the University of Ottawa Health Services (UOHS), as well as their specific team (e.g. Drugs and Alcohol, Global Health, Mental Health, Sexual Health, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Social Media). From September to April, peer educators help to organize multiple events such as yoga, Pet Therapy, flu shot clinics, Active on Ice, and more! The goal of each event is to teach students the importance of living a balanced lifestyle, despite the challenges of being a busy student.

Being a Peer Educator has many benefits! You will be up to date with all the events offered on campus and make a difference within your school community. You will also obtain a certificate for contributing volunteer (CCR) hours. You will accumulate volunteer experience, making your resume stand out to potential employers, and that’s not all! After completing 1 full year of volunteering, you qualify to apply for a Work Study Program (WSP) Team Leader position!

Interested? You must be able to volunteer 3 hours of your time per week (excluding weekends, reading weeks and final exam periods). Being bilingual (French/English) is a strong advantage. Apply online to be part of the awesome volunteer team at Health Promo before February 28, 2019: