How to recharge during reading week!

Midterm season is fast approaching, and let’s face it, we are all looking forward to reading week. Whether your exams are before or after reading week, it is an excellent opportunity to relax and recharge your battery. Here are five ways to get the most out of reading week.

Sleep in
What’s better than not having class at 8:30 am? We are all super excited to sleep in until noon. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep is uncommon for university students, but reading week is the best time to make up for lack of sleep. We suggest going to bed early, sleeping in, and taking mid-day naps to help pay back your sleep debt.

Binge-watch Netflix
We can certainly treat ourselves to a few hours of binge-watching TV shows and movies. Get comfortable in your pyjamas and settle in a cozy place! Prepare a few snacks within reach, and you’re good to go for a few hours!

Let go of ramen and frozen meals
During midterm season, we don’t really have the time to cook balanced meals and tend to take our nutrition for granted. Personally, I find satisfaction in preparing a healthy, home cooked meal. Reading week is the time to cook your favorite meals and try out new recipes - entrées or desserts. Who knows, you may discover a new passion for cooking!

Chill with your friends
Reading week is a great time to go out with your friends. Whether you’re organizing outdoor activities or a small party, it is the best time to catch up with friends back home or to meet new people. There are lots of great outdoors in the Ottawa-Gatineau region. We suggest you visit Gatineau Park or Ottawa’s Greenbelt for some hiking, cycling, or even a picnic.

Catch up on school work
Reading week is not all about having fun, but also about catching up on school work. Take some time to get ahead of schedule and organize yourself for the upcoming classes. If all your midterms are after reading week, try to avoid studying for long and exhausting periods of time - this will only stress you out more. The best way to memorize content is to study in short, frequent periods of time. Don’t forget to take breaks during these study periods and take care of yourself by treating yourself with some “ME” time.

- Kawtar & Lamiae