Being active outdoors can sometimes be daunting. However, there are actually many health benefits in doing so! Being active outdoors can lead to improved immune system functioning along with a higher amount of natural killer cells, and a boosted mood as it’s considered to be a “natural antidepressant”. It can also lower stress levels due to its ability to calm our body’s fight or flight response and distract us from our anxieties which is definitely useful during exam season! Keep reading below to find out tips on how you can enjoy being active outside!
Now for a lot of us, finding a healthy lifestyle balance can be difficult. I know finding 30 minutes a day to workout or do some form of physical activity is doable, very doable, but let’s face it, it’s a lot easier said than done. No need to worry friends! I’ve got some quick tips and tricks you can incorporate into your daily lives to break a sweat. For starters, try visiting an outdoor gym if the COVID-19 guidelines in your region allows you to do so. To spice up your morning walk for instance, try passing through a trail or a park with outdoor-gym equipment. You’ll save yourself a monthly membership fee all while getting your heart pumping. Along the same note, you can spend some time with the people you love AND get a workout out of it. So, don’t be afraid to ask a friend or a family member in your bubble to hit the trails together! Scenic routes can be found anywhere and they are great options for walking, hiking and jogging! Check out the app All Trails to find hiking trails in your area.
Remember, we’re all still kids at heart! Next time you walk through a park, take some time to do some rounds on the monkey bars or stop and do some push-ups and pull-ups on the dedicated park fitness equipment. It’s a fun way to workout without having to go out of your way to hit the gym. Just make sure you maintain proper safety protocols and physical distancing measures to stay safe!
Whether it be shoveling the snow in winter or doing yard work in the summer, don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty! You can hit two birds with one stone by completing your chores and a workout at the same time. “Adulting” doesn’t have to be as hard as it seems!
Lastly, a great way to stay active is to walk to your destinations. Whether that’d be going to a grocery store or to the mall, choose to take the bike or walk instead of taking your car or public transportation. Next time you’re using an online map, choose the “cycling” or “walking” options to get your 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity in.
Wow, after learning so much about the advantages to being physically active outside, it makes me want to go play in the snow! Being active outside does not have to be intimidating in any way, start with small steps like biking to work/school once or twice a week, and then being active outside will slowly become part of your routine. Also, using apps like google maps or an activity tracker can help you plan your routes to make the adventure even easier. Finally, be different and have fun! Walking and biking can be basic, so build a snowman, go sledding and go ice skating outside if there is a rink available. Don’t forget to wear a mask when you can’t practice social distancing of 2m.
If you are in the region of Ontario and want to spend time outside but are unsure of the restrictions due to the provincewide shutdown , you can find them using this link: Please note that there is a limit of 5 for outdoor gatherings.